Contract Law

Webinar – remedies

A recording of part of a webinar June 2020


Webinar – consideration

Recorded during live webinar 2020


Misrepresentation – webinar

Anne sees an advertisement “Booming dog grooming business. Pedigree service. Current owner retiring. Call Katie for details’” Anne calls round to see Katie. Anne is very impressed by the pictures of the winner of this year’s Wufts, who Anne assumes is a customer of the salon. She tells Katie that she believes that with such […]


Mistake Q&A 2

This recording explains how to structure an answer to a problem question on mistake in contract.


Mistake Q&A

This recording explains how to structure an answer to a problem question on mistake in contract.


Frustration of contracts

This lecture deals with when a contract may be treated as discharged by frustration – where change in circumstances since contract was made justifies parties being released from further obligations.


Regulation of terms

This lecture looks at the regulation of terms that are regarded as unfair or unreasonable in their substance with primary focus on exemption (exclusion and limitation) clauses.



This recorded lecture presentation explains the requirements for an action in misrepresentation and the remedies available.



This lecture pesentation deals with the circumstances in which a mistake of one or both parties can affect the validity of a contract.


Implied terms

In this recorded lecture presentation contractual terms implied by statute, trade custom, and at common law are considered.


Express terms

This recording presentation deals with the incorporation of express terms of the contract.


Duress and undue influence

This recording covers the common law defence of duress and the equitable defence of undue influence.


Discharge by breach and incomplete performance

This recorded lecture covers two connected topics: discharge by breach, and incomplete performance of obligations.


Privity of contract

In this lecture the doctrine of privity is explained and the common law and statutory changes challenges to it are evaluated.


Promissory estoppel

In this lecture the equitable doctrine of promissory estoppel is explained and analysed.



In this lecture the contractual requirement of consideration is explained and analysed.


Offer and acceptance

This detailed lecture presentation explains and discusses, in depth, offer and acceptance in the Law of Contract.


Remedies in Contract

This lecture presentation is split into two parts. The first part considers the nature of damages; the second addresses issues of causation, remoteness and mitigation.


Exemption Clauses Q&A

Analyses a problem question about exemption clauses in contract and provides a logical structure to answering questions on the topic.


Frustration Q&A

This lecture presentation analyses a problem question on frustration in contract.


Misrepresentation Q&A

This lecture presentation analyses a problem question on misrepresentation. Issues include: terms, representations and ‘mere puffs’; fraudulent, negligent and innocent misrepresentations; s2(1) Misrepresentation Act 1967; remedies; bars to rescission.


Consideration Q&A

This lecture presentation analyses a problem question on consideration in contract. Issues covered include: past consideration; Williams v Roffey; economic duress; promissory estoppel.


Agreement Q&A

This lecture presentation analyses a problem question on agreement in contract. In addition to discussing the relevant law the lecturer explains how to structure the answer.
