Ownership of inventions and patents
This lecture covers two matters relating to patents as items of property: first of all ownership of patents and secondly dealings with patents – how patents are transferred and the rules governing licensing.
LectureCompensation for employee inventors
This lecture considers situations where an employee might be compensated for the use of an invention, under PA 77 ss 40 to 43.
LecturePatent infringement and defences
When is a patent infringed, and what defences are available to a potential infringer? In this lecture we consider section 60 of the Patents Act 1977 and look briefly at how the courts interpret patent claims.
The rules that govern what can be patented are key to the protection of inventions. This lecture reviews the four criteria for patent protection, laying the groundwork for a more detailed study of the subject and leading into other aspects of patent law.
LectureIntroduction to patents
Patents seem to be the least accessible and most complex area of intellectual property law. This lecture brings a sense of proportion to the patents field, and provides an essential starting point for students of this fascinating area of law.
LectureJustifications for intellectual property
A review of the philosophical justifications for protecting intellectual property.
LectureRegistration of trade marks
Discusses what can be registered as a trade mark, and how to go about registering it in the UK.
LectureMoral rights
A run-through of the four moral rights protected under UK copyright law. In addition to the paternity right and integrity right, required by the Berne Convention, this lecture explains the right against false attribution of authorship and the right to privacy in certain photographs and films. The statutory provisions and the case law are described […]
LecturePassing off
An introduction to the important area of passing-off law, which remains a crucial form of protection for goodwill alongside registered trade mark protection.