Supremacy and Direct Effect of EU Law



In this recording of a live lecture the following question relating to supremacy and direct effect of EU Law is considered

The question: “It is often said that the doctrines of supremacy and direct effect are the twin pillars of the relationship between EU law and national law. Discuss how these principles emerged in EU law and how you consider that they may develop in the future.”

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Issues discussed include: supremacy; direct effect; national procedural autonomy; the principle of equivalence; the principle of effectiveness; direct effect and regulations, decisions and international agreements; direct effect and directives; direct effect and direct applicability; the interpretative obligation; the compliance presumption.

Cases discussed include: Costa v Enel (1964); Simmenthal (1978); Comet (1976); Rewe (1976); Marshall (1993); Factortame (1980); Van Gend en Loos (1962); Defrenne v Sabena (1975); Fratelli Variola (1974); Grad (1970); Kupferberg (1984); VanDuyn (1974); Publico Ministero v Rati (1979); Von Colson v Land Nordrhein Westfalen (1984); Marleasing (1980); Frankovich (1991); Dillenkofer (1996) CIA Security (1996); Centrosteel (2000).

Recording: 65 minutes (approx)


Denis Edwards – Experienced teacher and examiner of a number of LLB subjects including Public Law, EU law and Human rights. He has produced newsletters and audio recordings on EU Law for the University of London International Programmes VLE. In addition, as consultant professor to the Russian State University in Moscow, he teaches EU law to students studying for the University of London International Programme LLB. He practices as a Barrister at Francis Taylor Building, London and is a visiting lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Recorded – April 2016