UOL LLB: Cheating – examination offences 2018 & 2019


In response to a freedom of information request the University of London has provided the following information in respect of the LLB examinations which took place in (i) May / June 2018; (ii) October / November 2018; (iii) May / June 2019:

(a) the number of incidents of cheating or similar examination offences recorded by invigilators. (b) the number of students formally accused of cheating or similar examination offences (c) the number of students found guilty of cheating or similar examination offences and the penalties imposed

The asterisked explanatory notes were provided by the University of London

Number of incidents of cheating or similar examination offences recorded by invigilatorsNumber of students formally accused of cheating or similar examination offences Number of students found guilty of cheating or similar examination offencesPenalty: No report**** elementPenalty: no report modulePenalty: barred from future assessmentsTotal no. penalties imposed
May/June 2018272120191020
October/November 2018251111100111
May/June 201989*29**21***210021
For context: around 40,000 laws papers were taken in the 2017/18 academic year*High numbers of reports of minor breaches of exam protocol, which resulted in no further action. This accounts for 56 incidents of examination offences.**Four cases from the May/June 2019 exams remain under consideration as to whether there is a case to answer or not.***Eight cases from the May/June 2019 exams have received a formal accusation but the outcome has yet to be determined.****'No report' is the standard penalty applied for assessment offences. It appears as a 'zero' on a student's transcript but does not count for the purposes of progression or completion of an award. It reduces the number of attempts at an assessment by 1. It can be applied to an element of assesment, a module or all assessments taken in an academic year





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